Creality CR-6 SE 3D Printer
Creality CR-6 SE Highlights
- Many Hardware and Electronics updates
- Newly designed motherboard 8 bit (may be 32 bit soon)
- TMC2208 stepper drivers are smooth and quiet!
- 4.3 inch Touch Screen Display
- Power Loss Recovery
- Optical Filament runout sensor
- Newly designed extruder and hot-end
- Dual-Z and Wider Y-Axis
- Belt Tensioners for X and Y-Axis belts
- Better cable management throughout
- High Quality MEANWELL 24V Power Supply
- Build Volume: 235x235x250mm
- The CR-6 SE has an all metal frame and a heated print bed
- 3D Prints PLA, PETG, TPU, Copper and Wood fill (ABS with enclosure)
- Updated Extruder is flexible friendly!
- The CR-6 SE will print over SD or USB
- Compatible with Simplify3d, Cura, Slic3r and Repetier Host software
- 0.4 mm nozzle standard
- All tools needed for assembly are included
- Best overall user experience so far!
- Assembly required but it is simple and suitable for "Newbies"